#8: How Technology Impacted Has Impacted How I Read and Write

Technology is definitely big in our society today. It has a big role in our lives everyday. Technology has definitely made me more lazy with writing. I have not wrote a letter to anyone in over ten years, the closest I have gotten to a formal letter is a birthday or thank you card. Now, we can just type our birthday and thank you messages in an email, instant message, text message, or on social media. Technology is very efficient and quick though, it helps us communicate with each other quickly instead of waiting a week to receive a letter. In the near future I believe that any form of writing will just be electronic. Technology has impacted me both positively and negatively, but I believe that there is a middle ground to many things like technology. I am so dependent on technology now that I do not think I can live without it. I barely read anything anymore if it does not come from my phone or an electronic device. I do not think that technology has made me forget how to write because in school we still have certain assignments where we have to hand write things. I hope that in the near future my children will still learn to read and write efficiently without the use of technology. Although it is a great tool to use and assist us in our lives, learning how to do things manually is important. Because what if your laptop or iPad breaks? Then how do you know how to write things out.

person holding blue ballpoint pen writing in notebook
Photo by picjumbo.com on Pexels.com